

newspaper articles


...from the parents

...from B.P.D.

Other Shootings


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Mark Stall

Craig, Doug Brodrick

Ryan Hennessey

James Atkinson


Copyright © 1996-97
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A recording from the audio cassette worn by one of the cops at the traffic stop (shooting) of the Brodrick brothers (see reference below)

The recording of the Police scanner the night of the shooting where you hear on the tape," 15th and Idaho, Pennsylvania plate ------, code one assist." (see reference below)

A message from David Hoffman's Hotline. "Yes, you have a coverup and the problem is that the young man that was a passenger was begging for his life when he was shot twice. The driver was shot in the back as he was walking back to the vehicle. There was no gun in the holster. The gun was on the seat. Look for the pictures of the slain officer the bullet could not have come from that fired direction. Thank you." (see reference below)

A map drawn by David Hoffman to indicate the layout of the traffic stop of the Brodrick brothers.

David Hoffman's
investigation into the Brodrick Shooting

On September 19. 1997 at 1:20 a.m. the Boise Police pulled over a vehicle from Pennsylvania in a traffic stop.

The police claim that two men got out of the car and opened fire on them and that they in turn returned fire in self-defense. Both Pennsylvania men died as did one Boise Police Officer. A second Boise Police Officer was wounded.

The following investigation is very factual and accurate. The Boise Police Department has lied about these events and have altered evidence and the shooting scene. This investigation has now uncovered these facts. If you want to know the truth and wish to hear the evidence uncovered, please read on.

Almost a year to this day, three young men were shot down in Boise, Idaho, in two separate incidents.

The first that raised the fear was the killing of Justin Atkinson, only because it soon followed the brutal slaying of Ryan Hennessey only months before.

With Atkinson dead under questionable circumstances, various "citizens" came together because they were "concerned" and so they might discuss the topic of their concern. You see, the police were killing these young people.

Henessey was the first but had not raised public concern yet.

Then came Atkinson accompanied with alarm, and so a small band of just plain folks formed a group entitled "Concerned Citizens for Police Accountability."

As was my luck, I was handed the most tedious job, to construct a handbook to be delivered to the Town Council before the Town Hall meeting just days away.

Spending an entire weekend alone at home, the book needed was constructed based mostly on the successes and failures of other cities where Citizens Review Boards were applied. And after its completion I delivered it to three local T.V. stations and two papers. On that very day, Friday, September 19, 1997, 2 young men from Pennsylvania died on a street in Boise, Idaho and my life changed forever.

I will never forget as I handed out handbooks on that day in the Mayor's office. Each Council Person had their own copy with their name on it and as I handed over the last copy to a Councilwoman, she commented," That will never happen again in another 10 years."

She was referring to the Atkinson shooting less than three weeks prior and I'll not soon forget how truly ironic it was, that nine hours later, the biggest controversy to ever hit Idaho divided this community in about as long as it took to fire more than 50 rounds at the corner of 15th and Idaho.

A little saying that I pride myself on has worked well for me lately in my personal and professional life. One of the words I use is "reality" and what I mean by that for a purpose of my definition is belief system.

And so the saying goes;

"Most people's reality is based on what someone else tells them that it is."

Of course this would equate to most of us picking and choosing what we care to believe, whether the source of information is the media or schoolbooks or even our neighbor. And I might suppose that the difference in our personalities allows us to choose various bits of information and formulating it into a highly charged belief system which essentially defines us as who we are. If suddenly we are challenged or confronted in some way, immediately our defenses arise as we feel personally assaulted and rise to defend ourselves. After all, someone is attacking our reality.

But how many of us have ever challenged our own belief system? How many people have questioned the origin of all the data in their heads? Maybe it's time we all do that.

In the middle 70's of this century, Dr. Leakey discovers a bone on the continent of Africa and claims that by his discovery, the human race is 2.5 million years old. It makes all the papers, top magazines and scientific journals. It even filtered into public school textbooks.

A few years later, Leakey once again finds a bone and now tells us that man is five million years old. Another round of papers and journals come our way and Leakey makes a spot in history with all the recognition.

But who wrote up with equal enthusiasm when all the bones that Leakey found were nonhuman. The record of this is public, that the "Lucy" bone was a jaw of an ape but none of this entered into any of the publications that the original information had been placed in.

As a result, erroneous information is still in the textbooks, housed in the museums, and forever stamped into the minds of millions of people in regard to their origin.

As an investigator I will log all information given but it is up to me to prove or disprove everything before I create even one piece to a puzzle. If I do not do that, then I am relying on the words of others to be accurate. I would be guilty of formulating my total belief on something I know nothing about because I did not look for myself.

Now I do look for myself and for anyone that may disagree with me, certainly you are allowed to do that. For your very own sake and no one else, all I ask is that you examine your data. Are you the origin of that information? Please examine yourself before you build your thoughts and I will do the same.

Many will remember the day that three men died. Their names were Craig Brodrick, Mark Stall, and Doug Brodrick. I tell you that all of them were good men. I pray for the Brodricks who lost their entire family and I especially pray for the mother and father of Mark Stall because if the truth should filter to the surface about that ungodly night, the Stalls will be crushed as their entire belief system is totally destroyed. They will recover least of all and they don't deserve that.

Yes, I do have a certain belief in regard to this incident. Please allow me to share with you what I found. I will give you the pieces. You tell me what the picture is.

Many of you will challenge me, and rightly so. You will say, "Well, how do I know that this information is true?" Bottom of the line is, you don't. In defense of this information, all I can offer is that the following was delivered by me to out of state FBI agents in late January and early February of 1998. No one has charged me with giving false information, so we should let this information stand.

Like most people in this community, I heard the news of the Brodrick case just as you did. My first reaction based on the news as delivered by the Boise Police was that, it was a righteous shoot and I had no problem with it. To be honest, I really do not remember what motivated me to call the Brodricks, but I did.

It may have been to keep from getting stuck with any more paper tasks for the Concerned Citizens group.

I decided to do what I thought I could do best and that was to have a real good look see.

I had not a clue that anything would ever come out of it and I called Martin and Patty Brodrick and told them that I was calling on behalf of Concerned Citizens for Police Accountability and that even though I did work as a private investigator, I was calling in the capacity of a private citizen and would never charge them a nickel.

In case anyone is interested, Martin and Patty Brodrick are very lovely people. I truly believe, if this nightmare had not occurred, the Stalls and the Brodricks would have made very wonderful neighbors. A mountain of turmoil separates them forever for they are only human and both cringe with emotional wounds that are not likely to ever heal.

Everything that I have uncovered in this case tells me truly that Mark Stall, Craig Brodrick, and Doug Brodrick are all blameless and hold equal shares of being a victim of wrong doing. Oh but how can you say that you say to me? Hear me out, examine the details with me and see for yourself.

Just after I made my first phone call to the Brodricks and was told that they were on their way to Boise, I pulled a dirty trick. Many of you will remember the ad in the Idaho Statesman which read something like:

The father and uncle of the boys
Shot will soon arrive in Boise.
Anyone that saw or knows anything
Please call this number.
A number was listed and a line provided all of which I promise was not in my house and of coarse the line had voice-mail and caller I.D.

Interestingly enough, some of the very first calls came from of all places, the Public Safety Building. At least that's what the caller I.D. said!

I have personally verified that the number in question is a switchboard at 7200 Barrister St. and is clearly located behind locked doors.

When the number is called, they answer the phone, "Boise City Law Enforcement." I promise you that the police operator is not in a phone booth out in the lobby and the police janitor is not making crank calls.

The first police message came from what I call a southwestern accent with a voice that was well seasoned and very professional. He said exactly this:

"Yes, you have a coverup and the problem is that the young man that was a passenger was begging for his life when he was shot twice. The driver was shot in the back as he was walking back to the vehicle. There was no gun in the holster. The gun was on the seat. Look for the pictures of the slain officer the bullet could not have come from that fired direction. Thank you."

Then he hung up.

I could not have known then how accurate that statement was. But I have proved that not only is that true, but there is more to it than that and it is truly scary. Boise, Idaho, you have been lied to.

Other calls came in from the Police Department. One man called twice. Each time his voice was electronically altered. To me it almost sounded as if he were crying or was upset. He spoke of an interdepartmental letter sent out by Lt. Jim Tibbs instructing the police not to talk to anyone about this incident. It was almost as if he were rambling on. He spoke about how he knew the boys had not done anything but it almost sounded to me as if he had not been there but was reacting to second hand information.

In my opinion all of these men must have guessed that a caller I.D. unit was on the line. But to them that was O.K. as the I.D. offered credibility as to whom they were yet they knew the number displayed would only trace back to the switchboard. From there it went a hundred different directions and they remained unknown. Although between you and me I believe I have identified my above-mentioned callers. I'd probably like to boast and tell you about how sharp I was at finding them but I will not for now. They are not required to prove what happened that night but they have been a tremendous help. I thank them for going by their good conscious and have decided I should protect their identities. God bless them.

Many people called including the mother of some college girls in Meridian. Having interviewed one of these girls I learned what they saw while going home that might at 1:20 in the morning.

It was only a small piece to the puzzle, yet very needed and even though a small step, it still brought me closer to the truth, even though I could not have known that then, nor even have begun to guess what the truth was.

These girls simply passed by the parking lot where the traffic stop had just taken place and saw one police car only behind the Brodrick's car which according to Sheriff Department dispatch tapes, placed us on the clock at 1:20 A.M..

As these young women approached 15th on Idaho heading West, they saw one police car with lights and siren moving North on 15th and turn East or right and jump the curb and into the parking lot. Immediately a second car with lights and siren also drives North on 15th from Main and turns East or right onto Idaho and cuts off the young women headed West on Idaho, a one way street. This police vehicle turns into the parking lot having turned into a normal entrance and stops his vehicle.

The home bound college girls continue on West.

Even though I know the movements of that night, I did not learn of it all in consecutive pieces, so frame this picture thus far in your mind and we will continue with my investigation.

An interesting item also came to the hotline which went very well with what I just described. Apparently a local married couple were upset with all the prior shootings and at some point after the Justin Atkinson shooting, decided to connect a voice activated reel to reel tape recorder to a police radio scanner. Oh boy! Another piece to the puzzle has just arrived. They called my hotline number and I went to interview them. For their protection, I can't remember their names.

As the tape moves into the Brodrick traffic stop we hear the stop taking place but for some reason do not hear the police numerical designator assigned to each cop. At this point and because of this, I have not identified the unit making the stop.

You hear on the tape," 15th and Idaho, Pennsylvania plate ------, code one assist."

Let me stop here to explain that a code one assist means, hey dispatch, send someone over here to back me up real casual like.

Fifteen seconds later you hear, "TAC one eight, code one assist." Broken down that means, dispatch, this is tactical unit 18 and I'll be coming over there code one (real casual like). What is interesting according to witnesses is that for some reason that is not what happens.

As you will recall, two college girls saw two cars arrive with lights and sirens going which is a code three response. Now we have a missing piece. But not for long.

You see, it is absolutely unheard of for someone to ask for a code one assist and get code three. So when the police say they pulled these boys over for a traffic violation that is only half true. The car making the traffic stop did just that, but something else happened which we will discover.

As the town moved into Town Hall meeting time, things got really interesting. I attended of coarse and naturally felt like the odd man out. But I did go. Emotions were running high. Everyone had an opinion. It reminded me of a barnyard full of chickens. Everyone clucking about, scratching up dirt, ruffling feathers and posturing. I saw the Mayor and City Council and kept looking above them for the strings and wondering who might pull them. Had I been up there with the Council, my face would have been glued into place to keep it from sagging. An 8-hour dog and pony show is a bit much. Maybe it's purpose was to wet down the fuse.

After the meeting, the days got interesting.

So the town will know, F. Lee Bailey got into this action when Cyril Wecht examined the Brodrick brothers and said that Doug Brodrick had been shot in the head five times at close range while laying on the ground. He was so appalled he called Bailey who then became the Brodrick attorney.

I on the other hand started receiving more calls to the hotline with average citizens complaining they were being threatened after the Town Hall meeting.

One woman in particular, a really sweet feisty gal who sounds like she might have spent some time in the hills of West Virginia or Tennessee, called to say that at one point she decided to go down to the shooting scene and stand over the brothers crosses only because she felt it was so horrible for people to kick down the crosses or do otherwise.

While standing with a father and his teenage daughter, and several others, this lady observed a sport vehicle stop and approach her group. He informed her that he was going to kick the brother's crosses down.

She claims to have said, "I wish you wouldn't do that," and he replied with, "What the f--- are you going to do about it." She told him she'd take down his license number. He then said, "You do that and I'll kill you, you motherf---er."

As it turns out, he left without incident, but our gal did in fact take down the vehicle license number. Well, it takes me all of five minutes to run a tag and I did in fact get a name and address, which I will leave out. Give me a minute and I'll explain why.

With a name and address in hand and just for a lark, I called Ada County dispatch and said, "Hi, I'm looking for so and so and I can't remember if he works city or county or what shift he's on." A minute later she comes back and tells me that he works for Boise City police and he'll be back on Thursday.

I must say though that with further examination it turns out that under this particular name there are a Jr. and a Sr. and it would appear that Sr. is the cop and Jr. was just running his mouth.

Another incident was given to me where a man bearing the same description verbally accosted a male BSU student in a dark parking lot at BSU. This student spoke rather well at the Town Hall meeting and was being warned to keep his f---ing mouth shut. This one had the potential to get ugly as this BSU student is licensed to carry a pistol and was ready to defend himself.

While we are on the subject of weapons and permits, please let it be known that I did an extensive back ground search on Craig and Doug Brodrick as have the police. I came up with nothing as did the police. They were kind hearted, God fearing young men who came to Idaho to seek work and enjoy the outdoors of our back country. Their uncle is the Chief of Police where they come from. The thing that really got my mind wondering and which required an answer was something the father, Martin, said to me on the phone. He said, "My boys have never been in trouble with the law, not even a parking ticket. Why, if they were surrounded by police who had their weapons drawn and pointed at them, would they pull guns and start shooting? They weren't wanted for anything, were not in trouble and had permits to carry weapons."

I thought about that and concurred. Why, indeed?

Having lived in Idaho a number of years, I have noticed more and more people moving here with concepts they dragged here from their home states. They make comments that these boys should not have had guns.

Folks, get a grip, this is Idaho. Leave your paranoia and hurry up, tailgating impatience back in California. There are thousands of people in this county alone toting guns legally. The old lady in the check out line ahead of you probably has no lifesavers or Kleenex in her fanny pack. Her gun takes up too much room. There was nothing the Brodrick brothers were doing that thousands of your neighbors aren't doing, too.

So, after hearing about all of the physical threats which seemed to come from the police community, I called the Brodrick's and told them that things were getting hot here and that I had called the mayor's office twice with complaints of threats and that we couldn't go to the police since it was the police and their families. I told them that I was trying to help but was left holding the bag as it were.

Later that very day I was driving in my truck to interview a caller from my hotline when the phone rang. I answered and a voice said, "This is F. Lee Bailey, what have you got?" I said, "Yeah, right." He said, "No, really."

I asked him to just keep talking and then informed him that I did finally recognize his voice. His exact words were, "Again, tell me what you have. I have NBC in my office and ABC outside my door behind them 20 Minutes and I'm going live in just a few." I gave him what I had and it went from there.

Things moved slow for a while. At some point I learned early on that Mark Stall had been to the Rider Bar just 10 minutes prior to his death. Life is so very ironic sometimes. He had contact with a bar patron at that time and during the shooting, even the dog was hit as was the truck he was in as he waited for his master. Everyone I talked to said Stall was a level headed, really nice guy, even people he had arrested.

From the bar patron I learned that he was outside to the parking lot in under a minute and viewed one Brodrick brother on the passenger side of their car, face down and dead. This was Doug, the passenger, shot five times in the head while laying on the ground. His brother Craig was slumping into the hinges of the open passengers' door. The bar patron places them there but I already know that as the police put them there as well. Only at the end of this thing do I learn very factually that between the time the last round was fired and my bar patron gets outside to view the scene, something monumental occurs that was meant to remain a secret. I could not have known that then.

I always had a few holes in what I had learned. One of them was that I could not ever answer how it was that Craig, the driver, got around to the passenger side. It was a mystery that I needed cleared.

Early on in my investigation lots of calls hit my hotline. Most of the people calling assumed they were speaking to the parents which initially was how it was suppose to be. As you will recall the Brodrick's were supposed to come out but were early on advised by Bailey to stay out of Boise. The newspaper ad was never meant to be misleading. It just worked out that way. But it sure was a goldmine. Ask and ye shall receive. And it was so.

I had early on been given names of two guys that claimed to have seen it. When I called them on the phone, they just hung up on me. I decided, fine, be that way, and without further ado, promptly fed their names to the FBI. Let the fibbies have at them.

Later, for the heck of it, I tracked them to their work place and confronted them. I asked if they would talk to me and told them I was speaking for F. Lee Bailey. I figured I needed to sling a little mud to motivate these guys.

They responded, "We want to talk to Bailey." I advised that to get to Bailey, they had to go through me. Sort of like getting to God, you have to go through . . . well, never mind.

They were not impressed. On a final stab I said, "Look, if you talk to me, Bailey and I will keep you safe." To which they responded, "We already are safe."

Shoot, was my explative, only that's not what I said. Yes sir, the cops had already gotten to these boys and they felt "safe." Yeah, right, as long as your lips don't smack. So much for that lead.

Moving back to the hotline calls, it was as if the majority of calls were to offer the Brodrick's their sorrow and sometimes embarrassment that this had occurred.

Only one rude call came in but I couldn't quite catch his badge number and so all of Boise can be aware as I am, there was a handful of calls from admitted Boise police families, and they were warm and sweet and endearing. I know I can speak on behalf of Martin and Patty Brodrick and say, thank you for your kind words and for leaving behind the ugliness.

Another interesting police call to the hotline was another electronically altered voice from the Public Safety Building who said, "You know I saw the whole thing. I sure would like to talk to somebody about it. Those boys died needlessly." He never left a way to get him on the phone.

We are now at the point where all of our questions get answered. Before I shoot off the grand finale, let me just lay some final ground work.

While having conversation with a person whose job hugs the local court system, a supposed rumor was floated my way. Most rumors are filed in the trash bin, but sometimes you just never know. It goes like this. That a 911 call had come in to dispatch that two men were seen at the Downtown Doubletree Hotel with guns.

Now here is this as yet rumor, combined with my lightweight speculation and I will tell you why I believe it is all about 90% accurate.

Perhaps one of the brothers bends over to pick up a quarter. A pistol butt comes out from under his jacket. Dudley Dooright sees this and follows them to the parking lot and sees a Pennsylvania plate and calls this in.

What we know as fact is that based on an audio tape in my possession, the brothers are stopped at 15th and Idaho whereby a "code one assist" is requested. TAC 18 responds to assist on the radio to dispatch at a level of code one.

It would appear that TAC 18 and the officer making the traffic stop have not heard an ATL gone out over the radio. An attempt to locate two men with guns and a Pennsylvania plate. However, something spooked five police cars with two people in each to respond code three which is lights and siren.

It is likely that the officer making the stop and his back up did not hear an ATL. Perhaps their radios were on scan mode and they missed it. But an ATL had to have gone out, otherwise why would five cars arrive code three. They heard the Pennsylvania plate broadcast and that caused them to come running. There was no other radio traffic observed after the stop until the shooting stopped. My eyewitnesses put the police on the scene before the shooting started. I know this from three sources.

1) The college women see two cars arrive code three. Nothing has happened yet.

2) The audio cassette worn by one of the cops and used in all traffic stops, is running and works well. There are no sirens in the background of police arriving because they are already there. And radio traffic has no further data on this stop until "two officers down." All are in place.

3) Three eyewitnesses!

I would love to tell everyone how I found these eyewitnesses but if I do that, it would be easy to figure out who they are. And that cannot happen. Three people know who the witnesses are. Me, F. Lee Bailey, and FBI. It will stay that way!

When I found them, I was careful in my handling. What I was about to learn, shocked me to the core. And I will tell you why I know with absolute certainty that this information is arcuate.

In order to keep the most skeptical on track, the events of this area of my investigation will be reversed. In a moment you will see why.

I will reveal the results of my interviews, but know this. After gaining this information I called Bailey with good feeling. The interviews were well done and a replay was delivered to Bailey by phone.

The next day I had rented two suites adjoining here in Boise which were in my name and later I picked up Bailey at the airport unobserved and snuck him into the side entrance of the hotel.

The next day I picked up at the airport, a 30-year veteran of the FBI and president of a national polygraph association. On that very day I briefed this man on what I had found. We examined the shooting scene and I visually placed all the players at the scene in his mind. Then I showed him the exact spot the eyewitnesses were and drew a map with everyone's location. Having been briefed, we returned to the hotel and awaited our first witness.

When that hour came and our man had not arrived I felt my anger flaring. I called his workplace and was told by the very boss who had cleared this time away from work, that his man was too busy and he couldn't let him go. As I pondered his remark, he said something that caused me to visualize my fingers around his throat. The spineless worm said, "Besides, what's in it for me?"

I was seething. Quickly I explained to him quite honestly that I had Bryant Gumble calling me twice a week from NYC and ABC on my back as well. I explained to him that I would send their camera crews down to his store and he could explain on national TV as to why he refused his employee permission to be interviewed in a shooting that left three people dead. All I ever heard was, "He'll be right down." Click.

Arriving a little late, our first man was polygraphed three consecutive times by the leading examiner in the country. Bailey does not fool around.

After everyone was done, Bailey pulled me into another room to say that, "These guys are scoring the highest scores this guy has ever seen." He was elated. The polygraph examiner said he was so impressed with their scores, he was going to use this case as an example at the convention he was headed to next.

That night we celebrated that we knew the truth by going out for dinner and drinks. I suggested a Lean Cuisine and was out-voted 2 to 1. Steaks are what real men eat so I am told, so hoping to please, I drove us all to the Stagecoach.

We attempted a quiet dinner as female patrons slipped love notes and Lord knows what else to Bailey as we dined. At all times he was polite and I'm sure quite flattered. No one had a clue what we'd just accomplished in Boise, Idaho. Mum was the word.

The following day I returned these gentlemen to the winds from wendst they came.

Now, what caused their arrival was the following. I had realized that I should go over all the data collected to see if anything was overlooked. What I found was something I should have expanded on for the heck of it. I wish I could elaborate but that would give away at least one witness. And 1 leads to 2 and 2 leads to 3, so I cannot. But having found these men, I approached them one by one and none of them ever knew I was coming.

I will admit that these guys were together that night and had not been drinking. Instead of giving each of their stories, I will simply say that, 2 do not live in Boise and none of them ever talked about it much after it was over. None of them had seen my ad in the paper. None had any intention of coming forward. They were scared about what they'd seen.

It was also apparent that in no way were they rehearsed and each saw a little more than the next guy.

I did background on all of these guys. None have any record what so ever. All work hard at jobs and 2 are married. One is a weekend warrior with a military branch.

So the whole picture is this and now comes the time that some mysteries are cleared up. Let's start with the traffic stop. Let's draw a circle around the rectangle of the parking lot on the South-east corner of 15th and Idaho. We shall place the Brodrick car in the center of our circle which we should envision as a clock. The vehicle that stops the boys is in the 5 o'clock position. 12 o'clock high points West, 9 to the South, 3 to the North and 6 to the East.

We know from our radio traffic tape that the stop is made and a code one assist is requested. Then an assist is confirmed by TAC 18.

Immediately and without any incident at the scene, 5 cars respond code three. The only information they could possibly be responding to is the Pennsylvania plate on the car. Part of our confirmation of the 911 rumor is substantiated because of this action. What really confirms this is when we move to the audio tape on the micro-cassette in the cops pocket. In it we hear, "Driver, step out of the car. Sir, you're not under arrest. Keep your hands where we can see them and raise your jacket." By that last comment we know factually that they are looking for guns. It is the very first thing out of their mouth. "Raise your jacket."

The stop is at 1:20 AM. 5 cars arrive code three. The first 2 cars to arrive are seen by the college girls. They place the first to jump the curb into the lot at approximately 10:30 on the clock just a bit inbound from the perimeter of the circle. The second car turns off 15th and goes East on Idaho into the parking lot and stops, inbound at the 2 o'clock position.

Three others quickly arrive parking in Idaho St. at various locations. One even starts to come into the lot. Mark Stall is the last to arrive. He is outbound on the parameter at 3 o'clock. 5 uniforms bunch together at about 4:30 to 5:00 behind the police car that made the stop. The college girls are past the scene but in now rolls 3 citizens together in a vehicle.

They have said that the light at 15th was red and they slowed down to stop. Just as they reached the light it turned green. That makes sense. The police cars coming to the scene and rounding to Idaho St. the wrong way would have tripped the light as if a car was waiting to cross Idaho on 15th. But no one was there. They were in the parking lot. The witness car did not trip the light, it was already cycling for normal West bound traffic. It means our witnesses are just seconds behind the police in arriving as they head West.

They claim to see 5 cars in the lot plus the Brodrick's car. All car doors are open. The police all have guns drawn. The Brodrick brothers are standing to the rear of their own vehicle, each on the side of the car they got out from. The witnesses roll 3/10 of the way down the next block and park on the North side of the street. They all turn to watch. All agreed at separate interviews that the boys were already out of the car when they got there and that they saw the police motion the boys to return to the car and get in. They did this. Then almost immediately they hear the police say, "Driver get out of the car."

I will never forget how erie I felt at this point. Most of Boise has heard the audio tape on the news of the shooting. Suddenly I am getting delivered to me the visual images of something I have listened to for months. None of these guys was ever planning on telling this storey. All were concerned for their safety. None really wanted me there.

According to these witnesses, Craig, the driver, gets out of the car. He walks slightly to the rear of his vehicle and stops. Police start barking orders to him all at once but one in particular is just feet away and charges him aggressively while in a combat shooters stance.

I asked what parts of Craig they could see and was answered about from the chest up. A car was between them. They said at all times they could see the drivers hands as they were over his head and above the level of the roof of the car.

They see that one cop is still acting aggressively (Dale Rogers) and making threatening advances to the driver. The driver takes his hands from over his head and puts them out ahead of his face outstretched and tells Rogers to "back off" twice. At this point with hands still visible to the witnesses, the driver shrugs his shoulders, turns and takes a step back towards his open door. At this point the witnesses say that the cop shoots the driver in the back twice.

Pause. Remember, the cop on the hotline tape said, "the driver was shot in the back while walking back to the vehicle, there was no gun in the holster."

These witnesses could know nothing of this comment on tape, yet describe to me exactly the same thing. They further say they believed the driver to be dead as he dropped from sight behind the car.

Suddenly, the driver shoots up off the ground, straight up, like a jack-in-the-box. He runs toward and around his open car door and around the front of his car. Reaching the opposite side of his brothers open car door, he reels around to his left and starts to drop as if hit by a round in his upper chest. He catches himself from falling, turns and runs in what appears to be a blind panic as he heads Northwest. After 4 good strides he runs directly into the front of the police car in the 2 o'clock position. As he rolls off the hood he changes direction at which point the witnesses hear a cop yell, "We have a runner." The police are shooting everything they have as the driver runs Northeast, past Stall and out into Idaho St. where he falls with over 12 bullets through him and over 22 bullet holes.

All this while Stall is on the parameter safe at 3 o'clock until the direction of fire changes. As Craig runs out into Idaho St. where he falls and dies, 5 cops from the 5 o'clock position fire past Stall to hit the driver. As Stall pivots to follow direction of fire, and spins to his right 180 degrees, his right side becomes exposed to the fire at 5 o'clock. He is hit under the arm where the bullet glances off his spine and ricochets forward out his chest and lodges in the back of his vests front panel.

Direction of fire changes again after the driver dies in Idaho St. As fire moves back to the car as Doug Brodrick stands up with his hands over his head and screams, "Stop, don't shoot us, don't shoot us!"

Remember the hot line tape. The cop says, "The Passenger was shot twice while begging for his life." I believe this cop was on the south side of the parking lot because he did not see what happened next as the Brodrick's car blocked his view.

Witnesses say the passenger was screaming when he was shot and that he fell with his hands still in the same position. He was laying on the ground then screaming again, "Stop, don't shoot us, don't shoot..."

Then the 5 cops from the 5 o'clock position ran up on Doug Brodrick and shot him in the head 5 times almost point blank as he lay on the ground. The evidence clearly proves this as this is what the body shows and why Wecht called Bailey in the first place. Bone, brain matter, and blood were seen by the witnesses as the body convulsed with each hit of a bullet to the head. At this point the witnesses leave fast, scared to death.

Now comes a crucial moment. Craig fell and died in Idaho St! There is only one answer as to how he got 25 yards back to his car for photos. Somebody dragged him in under 60 seconds as my bar patron is almost out the door where he sees both boys lying next to their car.

It is interesting to note that after the shooting stops on the tape you hear a cop yell, "Stop, don't do that!" Stop what? Perhaps moving Mark Stall or perhaps, stop, don't move Craig Brodrick. Except you see, for the police, they have to drag him back to the car. Because if Craig died in Idaho St., it shows a direction of fire change and shows that Mark Stall was hit by his own. Drag Craig to the car and claim the Brodrick's shot Stall.

The hot line cop said, "Look for the pictures of the slain officer. The bullet could not have come from that direction."

When I asked the witnesses what stood out in their mind the most about this incident, they said that they didn't know why the police shot those guys because they didn't have any guns.

Another person, who maybe should not have, did hear that shooting tape. Patty Brodrick, the mother of the slain boys. She is positive that it is Doug that is yelling, "Stop, don't shoot us!" She knows her sons voice as any mother would. Even though the tapes have been worked on by digital audio experts, you can listen to that tape in the worst conditions and without fail, clearly hear the words of Doug as he dies. For the police to claim that they have deleted these comments from the transcripts is hideous. I just think at this point that the police are really scrambling and can't possibly have decent thoughts about them since I now know how they tried so hard to manipulate and mislead the public.

People should have seen how protective everyone that knew the Brodrick brothers were when I interviewed them. As a loving courtesy to the parents, I packed the brothers belongings and cleared out their apartment. At the request of their parents, I made a video tape showing the apartment and made commentary on what I saw. When I entered the apartment, this is what I found.

The furniture was sparse and almost non-existent. A card table in the dining area and a futon type of couch in the living area. A boom box lay on the floor with numerous tapes and CD's. All of the music selections were classical pieces. The apartment had one bedroom which the brothers shared. The contents of that room were two single beds, a gun safe, and clothes in the closet. There were a few sports jackets but mostly casual or outdoor clothing. Camping equipment was found in all the rooms. The kitchen table held two interesting documents. One was an article that was entitled, "How to Contact Your Local Selectman" and the other was an article from Ann Landers titled, "The Ten Commandments Of Getting Along With Others". Everyone loved these guys. When I interviewed employers, I thought their eyes were going to set me on fire until they realized I was there on behalf of the boys parents. These boys were loved everywhere they went. This reflects their upbringing. Just as I am sure is true of Mark Stall.

Any derogatory remarks made against the Brodrick brothers was done by the police for the purpose of mis-guiding the public. Mis-information is a powerful tool. Are you guilty of believing without really knowing? Another final observation is that police claim to have a number of shell casings they claim come from one of the Brodrick's. Since none of the witnesses ever saw the boys handle a gun, I believe the coverup goes beyond moving Craig Brodrick back to the car from Idaho St. Also remember that in the news, according to Sonnenberg, the coroner, the bullet that killed Stall has changed from a 9mm to a 40 cal. Several times. They can't seem to keep their story straight. Bottom of the line is, one cop fired, then they all did. All of this is true. So I say one final time.

God bless Craig Brodrick, Doug Brodrick, and Mark Stall. The Boise Police Department has lied about all of their deaths. I pray to the Lord, Jesus Christ, that the Grand Jury hears this information and views my evidence.

David Hoffman

Post script:

The hard core evidence of this case are as follows;

The witnesses are very clear in what they saw. Here is how I know that all the witnesses are accurate. This would include the collage girls and the three main witnesses.

The collage girls described the placement of the first two back up cars. When I checked the parking lot, all the police paint marks on the pavement that indicated vehicle positions were exactly where the collage students described them.

The reason I believe the three main witnesses is for the same reason, and because they scored so high on poly-graph exams. But the exams only give a strong indication that what the witnesses claim they saw is what they truly believe. The physical evidence proves quite factually that Mark Stall was directly in the line of fire and that Craig Brodrick died in Idaho Street, not by his car, where the police later place him. The reason is quite simple.

The bar patron mentioned in the story parked his pick-up truck as indicated in the story and map. ( See map below.) Not only was his dog in the ruck hit by a bullet, but the truck was shot up. The Boise Police Department had to pay to repair this vehicle that was shot full of holes.

Most cops wear a medallion on their shirt that indicates they are an expert marksman. The bar patron's truck is well out of the shooting trajectory had Craig Brodrick died at his car.

The evidence lies in the fact that Craig ran northeast and behind the pick-up. The cops at 5 o'clock position shoot as he runs. We know this because the shooting never ceases or breaks until Doug receives the coup de grace. Stall is hit when suddenly he is in the middle of the circle due to Craig's movement. The truck gets shot up as Craig runs behind it. The truck should have never been hit if the Brodricks died where the police say they did. But the police attempt to cover the fact that they killed Officer Stall in crossfire. The evidence proves factually that the witnesses are 100% accurate and that the police have lied about everything.