(Left to right)

Corey Cluff, David Ebert, Brett Blaser, Darin Solmon

(click on our names below for more about us.)

Corey Cluff: (LEAD TENOR)This group has seen a lot of changes since we began over two years ago. I met Dave while singing in the LDS institute choir, and from there became aquainted with the other two hooligans. We originally began as a band called Chewie and the Ewoks--I was growing my hair and beard for a play. We soon wised up to that name, however, and chose an even stupider one, Liquid Chicken. The expense and hassle of equipment soon became more trouble than we cared for, and we found that a cappella music was more versatile as far as getting gigs. After we'd been singing together for about three months, we were forced to decide on a name because of--much to our surprise--our increasing popularity. The name the Eligibles started out as more of a joke, really, but we didn't have anything else at the time--including any girlfriends--so the name stuck.

David Ebert:

Brett Blaser:

Darin Solmon: (TENOR) So here I am! The "vertically challenged" guy on the end. Not a whole lot to say except I'm dang glad to be a part of this group. Singing is a talent I didn't know I really had until just a few years ago. I was serving a LDS mission in Argentina and....WOW!! I found a voice. Well, I came home, met the other three guys in the LDS institute choir at Boise State, and the rest is history. A cappella music is a challenge in any style (and we do it all), but once ya get it---it's sweet! Check out the rest of our page, listen to a couple tracks of our "tentatively available" CD, and enjoy. P.S. I'm one of the last two "eligible" Eligibles left so ladies, ya better hurry,-- we're going fast!!

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