Pre-schoolers Page

    Learning Can Be Fun and Games

    When I was growing up, my dad turned everything into a game. When he wanted us to recite facts, he made up a game called "Going to Heaven." He made a trail of newspapers through the house. We stood on the first one, and he asked us a question. If we answered correctly, we hopped to the next paper and so on to the end of the trail or "Heaven." Of course, there was always a treat at the end.

    When my children are learning to read, I put their new words on great big flashcards. We play a game that is like "Mother, May I?" I stand on one side of the room with the cards. Each time the child reads one correctly, he takes one step forward. When he reaches me, he gets a big hug. Then it is his turn to be "it." He holds up the words and I read them and move forward a step at a time. It is a simple concept, but it is much more fun and rewarding for the child than simply reading the words off of flashcards.

    In "Learning Can Be Fun and Games," you will find lots of ways to teach reading, math, and music - and it's all fun and games. To learn more, click on order below to purchase brochure.

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