Video Game Trading Post

6453 Fairview Ave.
Boise, ID.

Dear Multinational Corporate Conglomerate and/or Lawyer,

Thank you for showing me the error of my ways in including information, pictures, sound, etc., in my humble World Wide Web page that you have decided is a copyright infringement. I realize that you make more money in a day then I make in a year and that you are really really big and I am small. I did not realize that the only praise and recognition that you needed was that which you give yourself and that you need none from me or the other 25 million people that use the internet.

If you can please send me (snail mail registered) an itemized list of everything that you decided was a copyright I would be glad to include the little C in the circle next to said information as well as a footnote denoting who or what owns the copyright.

Until that time however, I will consult with my own extremely expensive makes more money in a day then I see in a year lawyer to find out if in fact legal action can be drawn against me and my meager little company. Until we (my lawyer and I) decide that the best idea would be to close the site or stop including your company in my information, the Video Game Trading Post homepage will stay as is.

Thank You,

John A. Reade II


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